About: 1 Source Private Investigations LLC

We are:
Licensed by the State of Indiana
Carry $1,000,000.00 (one-million dollars) in Business Liability Insurance although Indiana requires that we carry $100,000.00 (one-hundred thousand)
E/O - Including Errors and Omissions coverage
Experienced in multiple areas with legal emphasis
References available on request
Member of NAIS:
National Association of Investigative Specialists
1 Source Private Investigations was founded on July 16, 2009 by the owner and licensee, Thomas C. Smith. We operate under License # PI20900501, and are located in Crown Point, Indiana. We offer service throughout the greater Chicago and Northwest Indiana areas.
The name of our firm says it all:
We are the only source for investigations and process service that you need.

Welfare checks?
Catch a cheater?
Follow your teen?
Witness interviews?
Background checks?
Locate missing people?
Criminal investigations?
Find hidden bank accounts?
Due diligence investigations?
Find out who is following you?
Help you prepare for, and assist at trial?
Surveillance on fraudulent injury claims?
Covert placement of GPS tracking equipment?
Determine what is happening on your computer?
Deliver important documents or serve pleadings?
We do all this and more!
Give double-talk and charge high fees, we don't do that!
We are available for consultation via telephone, public place,
office, or in your home.
If you have an emergency of any type that you feel I can help you with, please contact me at your earliest opportunity. If you are a victim of abuse, and you need to be transported to a safe place,please contact me immediately.
Call: 219-381-8685 for a consultation, assistance or information.
Email: tom@1sourcepi.com